Unrivalled dream team for both INVESTMENT & FINANCE being on-board once LPA1) signed.

Entity | ■ Entity establishment to be led by GP -Legal Entity as SARL2), -Fund Category as SCSp to be compliance to EU ■ Structure will be for 1-to-1 relationship with ADQ & GP ■ Investment / Finance will be 2 main teams4 |
Investment | ■ Unrivalled teams to serve - Best Deal Sourcing via proprietary deals mostly - With Acceleration Vision on newly creating chances ■ Each member to ensure the Diversity & Integrity |
Finance | ■ Extensive experiences on finance, fund Operation - Over $60B AUM Fund Operation Global Scale - Unique experiences both Private & Public Funds ■ Vast networks with Global PEs/Fis/IBs for immediate Fund Raising, F2F Operation ■ Operational excellency with 3rd Party Ops teams ■ Actions in transformational manner but no hierarchy |
Advisory Boards | ■ Advisory board to be made by function & vertical need ■ Official commencement of team can only be activated once LPA3) signed by ADQ |
1) LoC : Letter of Fund Consent
2) Sarl : Société à responsabilité limitée (Private Company)
3) PoS : Proof of Source of Fund : A bank statement, security statement, or custody statement min $100K Depository of cash